Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Awesome news..to those who seldom restarts!

Its been common for people to continue using their pc/laptop for like....3days...5 days....or worse, You dun even remember when u last restarted your computer or shut it down!?!

Here's a good solution for you, though its not something like you restarting the computer, it does help alot in clearing all your memory and make it as though as you've restarted your computer, and the magic is...within 5-10 seconds.

2) Select NEW->Shortcut
3)In the shortcut field, copy the code below and paste it there.

%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks

I myself have tried it, and I see no problem in this coding. Feel free to try it....
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