Sunday, May 18, 2008


Here we are, I mean, i am....back in Cyber again! Miserable week, but will be the most exciting week! My exam ending in 5 days! I can't wait for that time, and I'll go all out and watch some movies, get some holidays, spend more time with my baby, hang-out, den the most of some of my downloaded movies all sem long. Haven't actually finish ONE movie i've downloaded. That's weird~

anyway, guess what, I got new family member of the Sony W series. Hahaha, kakak hammie bought the same model, the W120. And it's black... So I'm pink...she's black...who will fill the empty seat of the green/blue/teal/whateva color it is and the silver???!!!! Come on,someone fill it up! Hahaha, *..........*

*damn, study!!!study!!!*

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